This four part documentary series for BBC Scotland follows Craig Mathieson the founder of Polar Academy, an organisation which lifts secondary school children out of their comfort zones and drops them in the wilds of Greenland. This year Craig is taking 10 Scottish teenagers from Bathgate Academy, West Lothian aged between 13-15 as they embark on a life-changing expedition.
Executive Producer for BBC Scotland: David Harron
Executive Producer for Freak Productions: Hamish Allison
Series Producer: Chris Marks
Director: Jack Warrender
Co-director & Edit Producer: Charles Stuart
Editor: Lindsay Watson
Dubbing Mixer: Alistair George
Online Editor & Colourist: Florian Viale
Titles: David Marin
Graphics: Robert Charleston
Edit Assistants: Adam Borys & Grant Jamieson
Aerial Photography: John Duncan
Production Manager: Penny Davies
Production Assistant: Ruta Zulpaite
Narrator: Jamie Lee